. It's a beautiful warm summer day today, a lovely treat! The weather has been wet and chilly most of the summer, so flowers and animals and I are enjoying the sunshine. .A pretty white butterfly caught in mid flight by the radish flowers .An insect attracted to a rose. My brother and I found this abandoned rose in a building construction site. We rescued it just in time, a week later the tractors were plowing up the ground there. .Marinette rosebud .William Morris rose .An insect relaxing on a chamomile daisy .Violas, chamomile, and oregano .An insect kissing a viola's cheerful face .
An insect exploring the soft petals of a californian poppy . Nasturiums in the raspberry patch .A flying insect on black-leaved dill .Butterfly on chives . Butterflies on oregano .
Honeysuckle, usually covered in bees . Wild geranium . Oxalis and tame geranium ;-) .A weed growing near my onions, a beautiful plant! Hoping to get some seeds, it's mostly flowered out now .Ripening backberries and a gorgeous yellow weed, large and heavy, I had to prop it up. .I've been digging in my front garden, leaving bare patches of ground. Neighbor cat Smudge like to sleep in one spot by the anemone. . Gandalf the Stray sleeps by the crocosmia .Dave's back garden. Our neighbour over the back wall has tall lovely billowing grass, as he forgets to mow sometimes. I think it's beautiful waving in the morning sunlight. . I'll leave you with the morning sky, full of little fluffy clouds.
Want to see what's flowering in other parts of our beautiful world? Visit Carol's blog for Garden Blogger's August Bloomday.
My name is Silvia (also known as SalixTree ), I live in the Irish countryside. I write and illustrate children's books. I like to garden, cross stitch, crochet, and read fantasy books.