Mid April, the weather has been lovely here, warm and sunny for many days. The swallows have returned, and are singing thier chirpy songs in the sky. Songs of swallows means summer to me, and I smile when I hear thier happy music.
Blooming in the garden are tulips, here's a red one nestled in honesty.
My favorite tulip, Mickey Mouse. Such colorful cartoon characters!
Forget-me-nots (myosotis) are in full bloom now, making a beautiful blue bed for the larger flowers.
Some pansies (viola x wittrockiana) in my herb garden.
Stock (malcomia maritima) with its lovely scent.
Lavender (lavandula stoechas) is just starting to open its blooms.
The wallflowers (cheiranthus) are just starting to bloom too, here in front of some daffodils and honesty.
Mickey again, hey Mickey!
Some alyssum, perfumed sweetly.
Honesty (lunaria annua) and a visiting bee.
Honesty and daffodils. The honesty self seeds everywhere, and smells heavenly. I let it grow, it covers up the ugly wall behind it. The flowers are lovely too in the evening, they are so bright white, they seem to shine.
Cerinthe (cerinthe major purpurascrns) self seeded next to my thyme. I like this plant, it looks weirdly alien to me.
Thalia daffodil, only one has come up this year. I hope it will multiply, it has a lovely scent.
Lawn daisies (bellis perennis) amongst the stepping stones.
And a final photo of more Mickey Mousies again. That's all folks! ********************** *edit* I have forgotten to take a pic of a nearby field of dandylions, they looked so sunny. I'll take a pic soon, and add it in a bit. ********************* *later edit, past lunchtime now* Just noticed my apple tree has buds!
Here's the dandylion field, had to wait for the sun to greet them, they were all still asleep earlier. Now they have woken and spread thier petals in the warming sun.
A lovely plant by the footpath.
"Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night." ~Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters of Rainer Maria Rilk
There are more garden bloggers posting April Flowers, visit May Dreams Gardens and see what flowers are blooming in other parts of the world.
posted by Silvia Hoefnagels . Salix Tree @ 8:00 am
Silvia... I love all your flowers and especially that quote about how if they were sound, how loud it would be. Sounds like a lovely garden to walk through on a warm spring day! Thanks for participating in Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I'll check back for your dandelions later.
The Mickey mouse tulips are really wonderful! As are all the other flowers, too. Thanks for stopping by at my tree of life blog. Please come again! ;) I have linked your garden blog!!!
I can almost feel the sun through your photos...and we need it here in rainy VA! Your forget-me-nots look so sweet. I wish I could smell the stock..lol! The alyssum reminds me that I need to start some from seed this year...instead of buying them like I usually do! The only reseeding I get from them is in odd places...like cracks...never where I would like it or could move it! Lol! Everything looks so happy!
I love the Cerinthe and the forget-me-nots ... the dandelions are a lovely joyful colour! I think I'd be happy to see them in my garden ... just to add some colour to the microscopic green and dull browns.
Your white daffodil is so pretty ... I love coming to visit your garden!!
What a wonderful quote... and great pictures! You've won me over with the Mickey Mouse tulips for sure. And I'm sighing with envy over those vivid wallflowers and the lavender. I can't even guess when I might see some lavender blossoms, but I know it will be a while. :)
Hi Salix Tree - your garden is absolutely lovely, with so many scented flowers! Is the Honesty the same as Money Plant? It just glows, and so does the Thalia.... must be that gentle Irish light!
My name is Silvia (also known as SalixTree ), I live in the Irish countryside. I write and illustrate children's books. I like to garden, cross stitch, crochet, and read fantasy books.
Silvia... I love all your flowers and especially that quote about how if they were sound, how loud it would be. Sounds like a lovely garden to walk through on a warm spring day! Thanks for participating in Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I'll check back for your dandelions later.
The Mickey mouse tulips are really wonderful! As are all the other flowers, too. Thanks for stopping by at my tree of life blog. Please come again! ;) I have linked your garden blog!!!
Your lavender is gorgeous. What variety is it? I love the Mickey Mouse tulips, too -- fun name for them!
Everything looks wonderful!
Love the Cerinthe, and if only I could smell the allysum!!
Pics are beautiful! I love the Mickey Mouse. Very nice!
Your garden looks lovely. What a gorgeous white daffodil you have.
Christa, it's French Lavender, Lavandula stoechas. I should really put in all the latin names. Maybe I'll go back and do that in a bit.
I can almost feel the sun through your photos...and we need it here in rainy VA! Your forget-me-nots look so sweet. I wish I could smell the stock..lol! The alyssum reminds me that I need to start some from seed this year...instead of buying them like I usually do! The only reseeding I get from them is in odd places...like cracks...never where I would like it or could move it! Lol!
Everything looks so happy!
I love the Cerinthe and the forget-me-nots ... the dandelions are a lovely joyful colour! I think I'd be happy to see them in my garden ... just to add some colour to the microscopic green and dull browns.
Your white daffodil is so pretty ... I love coming to visit your garden!!
What a wonderful quote... and great pictures! You've won me over with the Mickey Mouse tulips for sure. And I'm sighing with envy over those vivid wallflowers and the lavender. I can't even guess when I might see some lavender blossoms, but I know it will be a while. :)
Hi Salix Tree - your garden is absolutely lovely, with so many scented flowers! Is the Honesty the same as Money Plant? It just glows, and so does the Thalia.... must be that gentle Irish light!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
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