
Sunday, May 27, 2007


Red ... the color of passion. These oriental poppies come up every May and shout out of the garden like no other plant. They simmer and glow in the sun, and sizzle even during cloudy weather.

Here's the group of them in my front garden.

Other red plants are swiss chard.. yummy! Brightens up any vegetable dish.

Glowing impatiens..

A poppy getting ready to explode out of its bud!

Poppies behind the geraniums

Fuchsia buds hanging daintily from red stems.

New growth on my "Mirthful" Rose

A last red bloom on the walflowers

And one last look at the poppy again, with a dusting of black "soot" on its fiery petals.


Blogger nordwolke said...

Poppies are so beautiful. Thank you so much for the pictures. I also like especially the poppy bud!!!

May 27, 2007 11:15 am  
Blogger Carol Michel said...

Great post. I don't have much red in my garden, so it was nice to see these flowers and red stems.

May 27, 2007 3:57 pm  
Blogger Boxwood Cottage said...

Wow the red really pops out and looks great Sylvia! I just have a small garden so I don't use much red flowers. Blue shades make a garden look wider that's why I prefer it in my little gardn, but I like to see red in other peoples gardens!

May 27, 2007 10:22 pm  
Blogger LostRoses said...

Great red post! And very coincidental with my day since I found a lovely red nemesia hanging basket at the grocery store. Just what I needed to add to my "hot colors" pots. Yay for red!

May 28, 2007 5:08 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Lovely reds! I adore those poppies with the ghostly purple soot centers. :)

How is the willow tree doing, by the way?

May 29, 2007 4:20 am  
Blogger Diane Dehler said...

Your poppy is exquisite and the most beautiful flower given to earth.

May 29, 2007 7:00 am  
Blogger kate said...

The poppies are so pretty ... I love the picture of the Swiss Chard. The red has cheered me up!!

May 31, 2007 4:39 am  
Blogger Tira said...

I lover red, I love poppies, so what can I say except I enjoyed this post!

June 01, 2007 5:32 pm  

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