These are the last of the apples from the cooking apple tree. And 2 from the eating apple tree, which still has several hanging. The birds have started eating those red ones, they are so delicious! I have been thinking of all different ways to use the green apples. My favorite so far is added to oatmeal with raisins, and cooked along with it.
This red cabbage is coming off tommorro, to be eaten for our harvest festival. I think I remember my Mom made cooked red cabbage with apples. I'll have to find a recipe for that. *edit* recipe is HERE.
Cold dark November, but the flowers still bloom. Calendula and borage continue being colorful in my rose/herb bed.
Himalayan honeysuckle has hundreds of these alienish flowers/berries/whatever they might be.
This little self seeded godetia managed one flower, which seems to be lasting many many days.
My cotoneaster grew berries this year. This was a cutting taken from a volunteer from our old house. I loved its berries, and wanted one in this garden too.
A few sad roses continue blooming, despite the wet and cold. Here's Dark Lady, looking especially cheerful in the rare sunlight.
William Morris shyly opens one bloom on a dry day.
Malva continues to bloom in the flower bed, amonst a few nasturtiums still peeking through.
Inside I have a thunbergia, 2 years old this year, and blooming like crazy right by our back door.
Make a Peace Globe today! Peace to all creatures and life on our beautiful planet Earth. Help heal our Earth, do whatever little (or big!) thing you can to help our world.
My name is Silvia (also known as SalixTree ), I live in the Irish countryside. I write and illustrate children's books. I like to garden, cross stitch, crochet, and read fantasy books.