
Monday, April 27, 2009

Luscious colors

My apple trees are blooming in a most luscious color of pink. I stood there for a while, inhaling the perfume, smelled like roses and apples. I'm sure I must have fertilized a few flowers with my nose!

These tulips, I think they look like parrot tulips, are also that same delicious pink color, like strawberry and vanilla. I used to not like pink flowers, no idea why. These are just delightful!
*Identified as Angelique Tulips*

A cherry red oriental poppy takes off its hat in the warm sun.

The poppy glows like an ember in flame colors of reds and oranges.

The cactus on my windowsill is blooming in a creamy white color. It's as if a little faerie came by during the night and stuck a bunch of mini flowers all over the cactus.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Late Garden Bloggers Bloomday - April

Losing track of time... I thought the 15th was still a few days off, and here it's already the 18th! I completely missed Garden Bloggers Bloomday, so I'm posting a few days late.
These pink tulips just opened this morning, they're so beautiful. I don't know what they're called, they came in a cheap bag of mixed tulips.
*edit* Edelweiss Transplanted has identified this tulip as Angelique, and I think she is correct.

Pippin keeps me company while I take photos. The chives are ready to burst into bloom any day now.

Another shot of the pink tulip, Angelique. it looks like a water lily to me.

White daffodils, backlit by the early morning sun.

my three red tulips, backed by blue forget-me-nots.

An insect on a yellow daffodil, warming itself in the sun.


Part of the front garden.

Tinkerbelle joins me here in the front.

A lot of the front garden is taken over in the springtime by my Mickey Mouse tulips. I've had these for years and years.

They seem to multiply a little bit each year.

There's even one growing in my veggie garden next to the thyme. How it got there, I've no idea.

A blue theme going on.

Some pretty yellow flowers with fancy leaves.

Yellow wallflowers.

That's it, sorry this is late. I would have posted this morning, except it was a beautiful sunny day, and I didn't want to waste it sitting in front of my computer. So I got a lot of gardening done, lots of weeding!

See what's blooming all over the world, visit Carol's blog for links to Garden Bloggers everywhere. Hope you all have a lovely weekend in the garden.

Monday, April 13, 2009

flowers under a rainbow sky

We've been having a lot of sun showers these last few days, and rainbows have been arching over us.

Drops of rain cling to the tulips.

Daffodils nod their heads.

Wallflowers look all tousled and unkempt.

Bright and ruffly daffodil.

Shaking their heads and tossing off the rain.

Monday, April 06, 2009

A Sunday walk

My husband and I went out for a walk again, was a bit chilly, but walking made us warm. The hawthorn hedgerows were beginning to bloom.

Some beautiful horses came forward to greet us.

Primroses, with a lovely scent, on the roadsides.

An old gnarled piece of wood, captured by barbed wire.

Barbed wire with bits of sheep wool, hanging like a line of laundry.

A tv set for the sheep to watch their favorite program. Wonder what that might be?

I adore this front garden! Such personality!

These branches looked fiercely creepy.

An ivy clad tree, surrounded by daffodils and celadine.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

bird chorus before sunrise

I woke up early this morning to a dawn chorus of birdsong.

Hear the rooster? (at 28sec) He had to add his voice to the song as well.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

blue blooms under a blue sky

The sky a few minutes ago, looks like it will be a lovely Saturday for gardening.

grape hyacinths



I don't know what these are, but I wish I had more.
*edit*Thank you June for the ID. Yes, these are Glory-of-the-Snow (chionodoxa).


Thursday, April 02, 2009

Glowing red

The mystery tulip has opened, and it's such a bright red color, it almost glows! This was yesterday.

And here it is today, opening up to show a black center spot surrounded by a yellow ring.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Twisted Tulip

A tulip grown on the moon. Its twisted and skewed petals are regarded as beautiful over there. I too, find this moon tulip beautiful.